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Under a spell – Mpali

17 January 2020
When shove came to 'grab with sharp claws', Monde did what any self loathing wife would do.

If failing to extinguish roaring fires and learning to live with burdens perched perfectly in life’s little corners was a skill, Nguzu would be a fitting ‘most skilled’ award recipient, deserving of a standing ovation and an ever-replenished feasting table.

Constantly caught in cross fires and forced into mediatorship by his mischievous wives, it was Monde’s prerogative to yank her portion of favor while compromising everything normal and sane.

After having failed dismally at earning her husband’s forgiveness for acts unclean, Monde swallowed her pride and consulted the witch Doctor for a stronger concoction. As the universe would have it, the chants and occult rants worked wonders for the ‘mai Guru’ wanna-be, and hers was Nguzu in his entirety.

The foul play was as obvious as day to the other wives, however. Like, how does a sane old man go from being utterly disgusted by his wife’s involvement with the compound errand boy, to having her literally moved to the main house and crowned the ultimate sister wife? Right, our thoughts exactly.

… and because calamity loves company and a few crocodile tears, Cephas became his father’s saving grace and had him snap out if the voodoo web his mother had not-so-smartly woven, and to say he was ready to have his wrath melt her into nothingness would be a complete understatement, because the man was above and beyond that.
How he will feel when all the other mess accumulating around his empire, curtesy of his beloved wives blooms and climaxes, however, is a tale of its own. Alas!  

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